Gutting It Out

It was a rough week this last week.  Saturday's race pace run down Suncrest caught up to me on Monday.  I was SO tired.  I cancelled my swim and strength session and ended up just napping while Lila was at school.  I was going to substitute a bike ride for the swim later on during the day but couldn't even pull that much together.

I really wanted to throw in the towel on Tuesday and call it a rest week, but I gutted it out and by Wednesday, was able to pull myself out of the tailspin.  I didn't make it to any of the strength workouts this week, but something has to give, right?

Sometimes I forget that this is not going to be the rest of my life.  There is an end date to this phase--and all this--in the near future.  We are almost half way through the training for the Half Ironman.  In 9 weeks, life will be a little less hectic (well, in this regard.  It's going to get a lot more hectic for the summer!) and I will be able to rest and recover and gear up for the big race in 2020!  When I remember that this is only temporary, I can gut my way through a bad day or week. It's also important to listen to my body and rest when I need to.  I knew that I had pushed it too hard on that run on Saturday so it was not a surprise when Monday rolled around and I was dragging.  By listening to the cues my body was giving me, I was able to reschedule the week, still get in my workouts and get some extra rest.  

On the other front, I am eating everything that isn't nailed down.  I am SO hungry ALL. OF. THE. TIME.  I was trying to have healthy food, but I cannot get full on it!  Now I'm just eating whatever, whenever. I had three meals out with people this week and out ate every single one of them, PLUS went home hungry.  It's embarrassing.  Friday night we had a dinner with four other couples that we don't know well (the neighborhood set up a Guess Who's Coming to Dinner bit) and I had to restrain myself after my second helpings.  The other women were hardly touching their dinners and I wanted to ask them for their leftovers on their plates. :)  I'm sure they all had something to say about my eating after the evening.

I am going to resolve to try to eat better this week.  I've got to find stuff that will fill me up, both physically and emotionally because, let's be honest, this is a stressful endeavor and unlimited vegetables don't necessarily spark joy in my life.

Weekly Totals
Swim: 6174 yds
Bike: 4:25 (45 mile long)
Run: 22.6 miles

Workout of the Week
This is a hard one this week.  There weren't a lot of awesome workouts that stood out.  However, on Wednesday, we went out and did our usual pre-dawn run.  It was okay to start off with, and spring briefly made an appearance.  I was tired and didn't really want to be there, but by mile 3 I had warmed up enough to let loose.  Mile 4 was clocked at 8:18.  It felt good to feel that good and to be ahead of everyone else.  It's nice to see the hard work paying off!  Coupled with a good swim later that morning, and I was back on track to making it another (nearly) 100% week!
