In the Trenches

I spent 15 minutes in the parking lot of the gym on Tuesday because I. Did. Not. Want. To. Go. In.  I had a meeting I needed to be to by 10:30, so I was going to get in about 1000 yards swimming before Masters started at 9:30 and I just didn't want to do it.  I had to verbally pep talk myself to get out of the car.

But I did it.  I eventually got out and shuffled to the doors and then down the hall to the pool.  I sighed as I jumped in and then churned out 700  yards before the class started.  I got it done even though I didn't want to do it.  And it was a good workout overall.  I never regret going.

That's where I am in the training.  The novelty of starting to train for something is gone.  The event is far enough out I just can't quit and ride out the rest of the time until race day.  The workouts are getting longer and harder. It's all about just showing up and doing it.  And this week I did and now there are only 5 weeks left!

Weekly Totals
Running: 21.3 miles
Biking: 4:55 (60 mile long)
Swimming: 6629 yards

Workout of the Week
It's been a long time since I've been out to Tooele to run.  Winter is hard because of the weather.  Fall is hard because of everyone's schedule.  But Hillary asked if I could run 14 on Saturday with her and I offered to go out there.

I'll admit--I didn't want to go.  Not because I didn't want to see everyone. But because I was tired and I didn't want to run.  And driving all the way out there meant I was going to have to run.  However, I made myself get up at 4 am to get there by 5:30 am so we could run 14 miles to the trailhead of the trail the 0357s have adopted and help with the monthly cleaning.

Sabrina and Janna met Hillary and me at the high school and we did the first 8 miles with them.  It went by SO fast.  Then Hillary and I headed up to the Midvalley trail.  I had forgotten it's ALL uphill.  It was a little slow going, but we ran it all.  In Overlake, I needed to go to the bathroom and what should appear but two portapotties--one for each of us.  Those last six miles went by really fast too.  We fell back into our groove and it was so nice.

So nice that I cried all the way home.  I have really good running friends here.  They're willing to run whatever and whenever I need them to.  They slow down to my pace. We have good conversations.  There are no complaints.'s not the same as running with Hillary.  There isn't that ease--and there may never be.  As I was driving home I was trying to remember the last time it was just Hillary and me running and it's been a long time.  Usually someone who is training for the same race as us is with us, so it was good to just be the two of us.  It's been two years since we've moved and the first six months were really hard.  But I haven't felt that "homesick" since about a year after we moved.

I need to work out a plan in 2020 so that we're doing more of our training together because I really miss it.  It was a good boost to get us to St George and past!
